Monday, February 11, 2013

Autecology invasive plant species

Sutomo, Fardilla D. & Darma I. D. P. (2012) Autecology of invasive species Imperata cylindrica in anthropogenic disturbed forests on Pohen Mountain, Batukahu Nature Reserve, Bali: Implication for weeds management. In: International Conference of the Society for Indonesian Biodiversity (eds Sutarno, Sugiyarto and A. D. Setyawan) pp. 139 - 42. Biologi Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo.

Sutomo, Fardila D, Darma ID. 2012. Autecology of invasive species Imperata cylindrica in anthropogenic disturbed forests on Pohen Mountain, Batukahu Nature Reserve, Bali: Implication for weeds management. Proc Soc Indon Biodiv Intl Conf 1: 00-00. Invasive plants are a significant threat to areas of conservation value, and anthropogenic disturbance are believed to be a major contributing factor to the ongoing spread of invasive plants. Road establishment for geothermal mining plant in Pohen Mountain forest, Batukahu Nature Reserve, Bali is known to facilitate the invasion of Imperata cylindrica, but how invasion of this species into road disturbed forest varies along environmental gradient is not well-understood. We recorded species richness and abundance of tree and understorey vegetation on twenty 20 ´ 20 m plots along two 200 m transects perpendicularly aligned from road edge to forest interior. Environmental variables measured at each plot were temperature, relative humidity, light intensity, wind velocity, slope and altitude. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that most invasive species were distributed along all environmental variables except altitude, and I. cylindrica was mainly located along light intensity gradient. Further analysis using Spearman correlation showed that I. cylindrica had a strong positive correlation with light intensity gradient (Spearman’s Rho 0,804, and 0,579 P≤ 0.05). This study showed that I. cylindrica is abundant in forest edge with high light intensity value and decline in sites with more shading from tree canopy. Therefore, effective control effort for this light demanding weed species should be done by changing its light resource availability.

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